The City of Terrace Parks, Recreation, and Culture Department invites individuals, organizations, or service clubs to sponsor a park bench. This Park Bench Donation Program may be a tribute to honour one or more persons for his/her past or present contributions to the community or a service club.
Cost: $2,500 + taxes per bench (includes plaque)
The cost includes the choice of bench (chosen from existing benches within the City of Terrace that do not already have a plaque on them), the memorial plaque, and continued maintenance and repairs up to 15 years.

- Sponsor agrees to the City of Terrace's right of location of the bench
- Sponsor agrees to the City of Terrace bench design selection
- Full payment is due on confirmation of order
How to Sponsor a Park Bench
Please fill out the webform below or print and submit the paper form to the Sportsplex in person or by emailing it to pr@terrace.ca.
Questions? Call us at 250-615-3000.