Civil Fingerprint - New Times

Civil Fingerprint - New Times


The Terrace RCMP would like to notify the community of a change to civil fingerprint taking. Should you require your civil fingerprints completed, please visit the Terrace RCMP Detachment reception with all your required documentation and fees.

This service will be conducted at the following *new* times:
- Tuesdays from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm
- Thursdays from 8:30 am to 11:30 am

**Please note: persons who are charged with a Criminal Offence or are part of a Criminal Investigation and who are required to provide fingerprints as a result must still attend on the dates provided.

The requirement to attend the RCMP Detachment will be noted on the document you received such as a Summons to a Person Charged, a Promise to Appear, Recognizance or Appearance Note.**