Community Dialogue: Room for All - Housing Solutions as the Northwest Grows

Community Dialogue: Room for All - Housing Solutions as the Northwest Grows

a poster containing event information, with a background featuring rolled-up builder's plans

Community Dialogue: Room For All - Housing Solutions as the Northwest Grows

The Terrace Housing Committee cordially invites the community to engage in a dynamic community dialogue aimed at exploring housing experiences and generating innovative ideas to shape the Housing Conference and the ongoing work of the Housing Committee.

Monday, March 4, 2024
7:00–9:00 pm
Best Western Terrace Inn
Cost: No cost to attend, but registration is required

We have selected eight main topics for discussion, all of which will take place simultaneously in small groups. Attendees will be able to jump from one to another as they wish. The topics are:

  • Affordable Housing
  • Elders/Seniors Housing
  • Ending Homelessness
  • Renters’ Experiences
  • Landlords' Experiences
  • Newcomers to Canada
  • Market Home Buyers
  • Innovative Ideas and Solutions

How the Conversations will be shared: Ideas generated at each table will be collected and shared for discussion the following day with all the Room for All housing conference attendees (conference attendees are also welcome and encouraged to attend the dialogue event!).

Join us in this community dialogue as we collectively strive to envision housing solutions that accommodate the needs of all residents in our vibrant community!

Reserve your spot here