Community-Wide Climate Action

Community-Wide Climate Action

Sustainability initiatives at the community level have been a part of the City’s core values, policies, and programs for many years. Outlined below are some of the projects, values, and goals guiding community planning and land use management decisions.

Terrace 2050 Sustainability Strategy

A community sustainability planning process was initiated in 2009 to help define a shared community vision and long-range planning foundation and strategies for maintaining a healthy and vibrant city. The following is a timeline that led to the creation of our “Terrace 2050: Sustainability Strategy”:

  • The Sustainability Committee members were appointed in May 2009
  • Over the course of 2009 the Sustainability Task Force initiated the Terrace 2050 Sustainability Strategy process which was guided by community input and discussions with a range of interest groups.
  • “Terrace 2050 – A Strategy for Sustainability” was completed in late 2009, included the following four sections:
  • Section 1: Introduction – includes relevant background, purpose and how the strategy was developed
  • Section 2: Sustainability Vision – includes goals and strategic directions
  • Section 3: Implementation – discusses the strategy in context of the Official Community Plan (OCP) review and other city projects
  • Section 4: Action Plan – specific timelines, targets and stewards are attached to the defined strategies.

Following the completion of “Terrace 2050 – A Strategy for Sustainability” the foundation was in place for members of the Sustainability Task Force to divide into working groups to examine specific priority areas.

The input from working groups combined with the Terrace 2050 Strategy became the foundation of our 2010-2011 Official Community Plan revision.

Official Community Plan (OCP)

The City of Terrace’s approaches to addressing climate change at the community level are found throughout the OCP’s Community Goals section which include the following objective

GHG Emissions Targets

The Local Government Act requires all OCPs contain targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, along with policies and actions of the local government with respect towards achieving those targets.

The City of Terrace has set the following GHGs reduction targets to establish ambitions yet realistic goals for our community. Targets set in 2011, remain unchanged in the latest OCP update completed in 2018.

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Related Documents

Terrace 2050 Sustainability Strategy

City of Terrace Official Community Plan