Upcoming Remediation Plan

Recycling carts will be pre-screened next week

Upcoming Remediation Plan

Public Works

We’re on a mission to reduce contamination!

Did you know? Last year, we were spotlighted on Recycle BC’s website for our great efforts in reducing contamination from 13.8% to 5%.

The unfortunate news is that our contamination rates are back up around 13% in 2021. But the good news is that we KNOW we can do better—because we’ve done it before!

What does this mean for you? During the week of August 31, employees in pickup trucks will pre-screen carts on collection day before the collector truck arrives. If contamination is noted, the entire cart will be left untipped, but the resident will receive a “Curbside Collection Guidelines” sheet to reference for recycling best practices moving forward. In the following weeks, collector truck operators will continue pre-screening until consistent proper sorting practices are observed.

Read more on Engage Terrace