Parks & Trail Work at Howe Creek and Ferry Island

April 28 to 30

Parks & Trail Work at Howe Creek and Ferry Island

Leisure Services


This year’s upgrades to the Howe Creek Trail system are getting underway!

On Thursday, April 29, a Terrace Community Forest crew will be doing some machine work and moving some cedar logs between the Eagle’s Nest carving and the Dejong Street bridge. They expect the work to be completed between 12:30 and 4:00 pm.

Please avoid that section of trail for your safety and the safety of the workers. There will be signage posted at both junctions indicating work in progress, as well as at the Rowland Street bridge. The equipment will also be moving along the trail from the Dejong bridge to the Centennial Christian property, so walkers should use caution when the equipment is moving along that section of the trail. 

Thank you for your co-operation!



Cleanup is underway at the Ferry Island campground!

Tree work will be taking place this week, starting today (Wed, April 28) and continuing through Friday, April 30. Signs will be posted in the areas of the campground currently being cleared, so please respect these signs and stay away from areas where you hear chainsaws operating for your safety.

Thanks for your co-operation!