Ferry Island Trail Closures: June 27-30

Ferry Island Trail Closures: June 27-30

Leisure Services


Next week, we will begin repairing—and, in many cases, relocating—trails at Ferry Island damaged by high water this spring. The sections will be closed off as they are being worked on.

Monday, June 27–Tuesday, June 28: Red section, from the McElhaney Trail junction by the new bridge to the connector trail about halfway down the island, plus the Powerline Trail.

Wednesday, June 29–Thursday, June 30: Violet section, from the connector trail halfway down the island to the main road at the south end, plus all the trails around the frog pond.

We will provide updates as needed on this schedule. Please be sure to obey all trail closure signage while we complete these repairs. Thanks for your patience as we work to improve Ferry Island for all trail users!