Emergency Preparedness Week is May 1-7, 2022

Emergency Preparedness Week is May 1-7, 2022

Emergency Services
Fire Department

May 1 to 7, 2022, is Emergency Preparedness Week in Canada, an annual reminder to take concrete actions to better prepare yourself and your family during emergencies. The 2022 theme is “Emergency Preparedness: It’s Everyone’s Responsibility.” Citizens are asked to help create a culture of preparedness across the country.

“This year’s theme is highly relevant following the COVID-19 global pandemic, which has had an unprecedented impact on Canadians. Everyone had a role to play, and everyone was asked to take responsibility by doing their part to help slow the spread of COVID-19. We can apply this same mentality to other types of emergencies like fires, floods, and earthquakes to help us prepare,” said John Klie, Fire Chief of the Terrace Fire Department. “If we learn how to reduce the risk and the impact of whatever emergency we might face—whether natural or human-induced—we can improve the resiliency of ourselves, our family, and our community.”

PreparedBC offers a variety of resources to help individuals, families, and businesses be prepared for a variety of situations. The City of Terrace will be sharing some of these resources on our social media accounts this week.

The Terrace Fire Department encourages everyone to be prepared with at least 72 hours’ worth of supplies. “The more people are prepared, the better they can cope—both during and after a major disaster. Putting together an emergency kit is an excellent first step,” said Klie.


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