Annual TDAC Closure Aug 28-Sept 17, 2023

Annual TDAC Closure Aug 28-Sept 17, 2023

Leisure Services

We’re gearing up for our annual closure at the Terrace & District Aquatic Centre. Passholders will be credited for days lost during the closure. 

The annual closure is needed to complete work that can’t take place during the rest of the year while the facility is open to the public. This includes: 

  •  Annual maintenance for all pool systems 
  • Repairs 
  • Grouting 
  • Deep cleaning pool basins and other areas 

Our goal is to keep the pool healthy and functional, which helps reduce maintenance-related service impacts throughout the year. 

This year, we also have special projects on our to-do list, including a new main pool filter tank, updating the sand in our east-side filter tanks, and adding an exciting new feature. What will it be? We’ll reveal it next week!